OpenAI Scholars 2019: Applications open
A guide to applying for the OpenAI Scholars 2019 program

OpenAI Fellows Winter 2019 & Interns Summer 2019
Insights and Updates on OpenAI Fellows and Interns Programs

FFJORD: Free-form continuous dynamics for scalable reversible generative models
Exploring FFJORD for scalable reversible generative models

How to shuffle a big dataset
Addressing the engineering challenge of shuffling a large dataset with a low signal-to-noise ratio.

Deep learning experiments in OCaml
Reproducing classical deep learning results in OCaml using TensorFlow and training models defined in a functional way on a GPU.

Using Kubernetes Pod Metadata to Improve Zipkin Traces
Improving Zipkin traces by utilizing Kubernetes Pod Metadata for debugging latency issues across microservices

OpenAI Scholars 2018: Final projects
Exploring innovative final projects from OpenAI Scholars 2018 cohort.

Hands-Off Deployment with Canary
A blogpost about implementing hands-off deployment using Canary at SoundCloud.

The International 2018: Results
Analyzing the outcomes and performance of The International 2018 esports event.

Large-scale study of curiosity-driven learning
Exploring the impact of curiosity-driven learning on a large scale

OpenAI Five Benchmark: Results
Exploring the latest OpenAI Five benchmark results

What the interns have wrought, 2018 edition
Reflecting on the accomplishments of interns at the end of the season.