Extensions and limitations of the neural GPU
Exploring the implications of extending and constraining the neural GPU model
Observations of a functional programmer
A blogpost about observations made by a functional programmer during their keynote at a functional programming workshop.
Semi-supervised knowledge transfer for deep learning from private training data
Exploring semi-supervised knowledge transfer in deep learning using private training data
Report from the self-organizing conference
Exploring the dynamics of a self-organizing conference
Transfer from simulation to real world through learning deep inverse dynamics model
Optimizing real-world implementation with deep inverse dynamics model
API Sign-up Changes
Launching a new API application process that requires developers to fill out an application form to request access.
What the interns have wrought, 2016
Reflecting on the impact of the interns on various aspects of the code-base across multiple office locations.
Unraveling of the tech hiring market
Insights into the challenges of recruiting talented people in the tech hiring market.
Do you love dev tools? Come work at Jane Street.
Opportunity to work on developer tools in the tools-and-compilers group at Jane Street that they are actively hiring for.
Infrastructure for deep learning
Optimizing infrastructure setup for deep learning models
Microservices and the monolith
Reviewing progress and discussing conditions and strategy required to decommission a monolithic architecture and replace it with microservices
Machine Learning Unconference
Exploring the Latest Trends in Machine Learning at an Unconference Event