Introducing Materialized Views and Streaming Tables for Databricks SQL
Introducing materialized views and streaming tables in Databricks SQL for AWS and Azure.
Introducing LakehouseIQ: The AI-Powered Engine that Uniquely Understands Your Business
Introducing LakehouseIQ: An AI-powered engine that understands and leverages the specifics of your business and data
Introducing Lakehouse Federation Capabilities in Unity Catalog
Data teams addressing challenges of data fragmentation, consolidation time, and cost in accessing the right data through Lakehouse Federation capabilities in Unity Catalog.
What’s new with Unity Catalog at Data and AI Summit 2023
The blogpost discusses the updates and advancements in the Unity Catalog at the Data and AI Summit 2023, highlighting the importance of governance principles in data management.
Announcing the Winners for the 2023 Databricks Data Team Awards
The winners of the 2023 Databricks Data Team Awards are announced and recognized for delivering solutions to tough global challenges.
Gamifying medical data labeling to advance AI
Using crowd wisdom to label medical data for AI companies
Computer vision system marries image recognition and generation
MAGE combines image recognition and generation tasks into one computer vision system.
Career stories: The power of an impactful mentor
The blogpost chronicles Jelanah's journey from a data analyst to a frontend (UI) engineer with the help of a mentor at LinkedIn who unlocked her technical skills, supported her relocation, and championed her promotion.
Experimenting with Machine Learning to Target In-App Messaging
The blogpost explores how Spotify's Messaging team utilizes machine learning to optimize targeted in-app messaging for their platform.
Introducing OpenAI London
OpenAI announces first international expansion with new office in London, United Kingdom
Building Real-time Machine Learning Foundations at Lyft
This blogpost discusses the process of building real-time machine learning foundations at Lyft, including the capabilities of real-time machine learning, designing a common interface called RealtimeMLPipeline, challenges faced, and key lessons learned.
The sneaky pronunciation practice you’re probably not doing
Discover a hidden but effective pronunciation exercise that you may be overlooking