Databricks introduces the Delivery Solution Architect
Introducing the new role of Delivery Solution Architect at Databricks
Tracking Application-Level Consistency with LiteFS
This blogpost discusses the challenges of maintaining application-level consistency in LiteFS, a distributed SQLite system, and introduces a solution using a LiteFS client library and a thin HTTP proxy.
Modeling and improving text stability in live captions
Modeling and improving text stability in live captions through the use of a flicker-based metric, stability algorithms for tokenized alignment and semantic merging, and a user study evaluating the effectiveness of the stabilization techniques.
Deploy self-service question answering with the QnABot on AWS solution powered by Amazon Lex with Amazon Kendra and large language models
The blogpost introduces the new Generative AI features for QnABot on AWS solution and provides a tutorial to create, deploy and customize it, along with discussing relevant use cases.
Autonomous innovations in an uncertain world
Exploring planning algorithms for autonomous vehicles to navigate dynamic environments safely
Automatically generate impressions from findings in radiology reports using generative AI on AWS
A strategy for generating impressions from radiology reports using AWS services and fine-tuned LLMs is demonstrated in this post.
Efficient Fine-Tuning with LoRA: A Guide to Optimal Parameter Selection for Large Language Models
Efficient Fine-Tuning with LoRA: A Guide to Optimal Parameter Selection for Large Language Models provides insights and strategies for businesses on AI applications and value with neural network-based techniques and LLM research.
Activating Data from the Lakehouse: Databricks Ventures Invests in Hightouch
Databricks Ventures invests in Hightouch to help activate data from the lakehouse.
Open Sourcing iris-message-processor
The blogpost discusses the open sourcing of iris-message-processor, a tool used at LinkedIn for quickly escalating uptime issues to network engineers.
Why Rust is the most admired language among developers
Exploring why Rust is the most admired and desired language among developers and the reasons behind its growing popularity.
5 language tips from a hyperpolyglot
Top tips for learning languages from a hyperpolyglot with experience in studying over 20 languages.
How GPT helped expand our marketing team’s capacity
Utilizing GPT-3 to enhance marketing team's capacity with Python API automation for content summaries and tweets.