
summaries of the latest blog articles from your favorite tech companies.

A. Michael West: Advancing human-robot interactions in health care

Advancing human-robot interactions in health care through volunteer work and research on human motor control


Helping computer vision and language models understand what they see

Improving computer vision and language models by using synthetic data to enhance automatic captioning and question-answering systems.

Snorkel AISnorkel AI

Former U.S. Chief Data Scientist on past and future of data science

Exploring the past and future of data science through a conversation with former U.S. Chief Data Scientist DJ Patil and Snorkel AI's CEO, covering historical insights and key considerations for the field's development.

Snorkel AISnorkel AI

Former U.S. Chief Data Scientist on past and future of data science

Interview with former U.S. Chief Data Scientist DJ Patil on the past and future of data science

Apple MLApple ML

Gender Bias in LLMs

Investigating gender bias in Large Language Models (LLMs) and demonstrating biased assumptions about men and women.

Apple MLApple ML

Self-Supervised Object Goal Navigation with In-Situ Finetuning

A blogpost about self-supervised object goal navigation using in-situ finetuning for a household robot that learns a semantic segmentation model of 3D objects and navigates using those representations.

Apple MLApple ML

Reinforce Data, Multiply Impact: Improved Model Accuracy and Robustness with Dataset Reinforcement

Improved model accuracy and robustness achieved through Dataset Reinforcement, a strategy utilizing data augmentation and knowledge distillation without additional training cost.


Slack Behind the Scenes: Overcoming Key Challenges to Craft a Seamless Mobile App

Exploring the challenges faced by Slack's mobile infrastructure team in creating a seamless mobile app.


Automated Sentry Error Tracking

The blogpost explores the integration of Sentry as the default error monitoring tool for Fly.io, providing information on how to set up and use Sentry for error and performance monitoring in production environments.

Google AIGoogle AI

World scale inverse reinforcement learning in Google Maps

This blogpost discusses the use of inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) in Google Maps to determine the best routes for users, taking into account factors like estimated time of arrival, tolls, and user preferences.

Jane StreetJane Street

What the interns have wrought, 2023 edition

Highlights of the accomplishments of the dev interns during the internship season.

Cohere AICohere AI

Cohere Joins Enterprise-Focused Cohort on White House AI Commitments

Cohere joins a cohort of enterprise AI leaders in making voluntary commitments to manage AI risks at the White House event.
