Intergamma elevates the in-store shopping experience with ChromeOS powered kiosks
Intergamma transforms in-store shopping with ChromeOS powered kiosks for a seamless and engaging customer experience.
Personalizing the DoorDash Retail Store Page Experience
Building a personalized retail shopping experience on DoorDash by leveraging personalization and recommendation models for a diverse inventory of products.
Delivering cost-effective data in real time with dbt and Databricks
Delivering cost-effective data in real time with dbt and Databricks
As payments evolve, enterprises turn to Stripe
Stripe is evolving to meet the payment needs of enterprises, offering features like multiaccount management, multiprocessor capabilities, flexible card acquiring, optimized authentication, and unified commerce experiences.
Dear Duolingo: What makes some accents harder than others?
Exploring the science behind why some accents are harder to understand than others and how our brains process different sound categories.
How Pinecone leverages Spanner to store metadata for its free tier on Google Cloud
Pinecone leverages Spanner to store metadata for its free tier on Google Cloud, offering scalability, low-latency point reads, and cost efficiency.
Diff-in-Means Concept Editing is Worst-Case Optimal
This blogpost explains why interventions on the difference-in-means direction are worst-case optimal for fully erasing the linearly available information about a binary concept in a neural representation.
Monte Carlo, Puppetry and Laughter: The Unexpected Joys of Prompt Engineering
Monte Carlo, Puppetry and Laughter: The Unexpected Joys of Prompt Engineering
MIT Generative AI Week fosters dialogue across disciplines
MIT Generative AI Week fosters dialogue across disciplines
What are these "GPUs" really?
Understanding the capabilities and applications of GPUs for AI/ML workloads and their significance beyond graphical processing
Build GenAI Apps Faster with New Foundation Model Capabilities
Build GenAI Apps Faster with New Foundation Model Capabilities
Connecting verifiable queries to smart contracts with Proof of SQL on BigQuery
Connecting verifiable queries to smart contracts with Proof of SQL on BigQuery